Call for Posters
You are encouraged to present a poster at the symposium. We welcome posters of all topics in biomedical sciences. The information and requirements for poster submission can be found below. Please note that poster presentation is not compulsory for the attendance to the symposium.
Call for Submission
Deadline for abstract submission: 17 May 2024 31 May 2024
If you are interested in presenting a poster at the symposium, please follow the link or scan the QR code below to first register to the symposium and then submit your poster title and abstract. The authors of the selected posters will be notified by email shortly after deadline. Poster awards and short talks of selected posters are available.
Poster Award
Best Poster Awards
The review committee which consists of members from the Faculty of Health Sciences will assess all submitted posters and select the best poster.
Poster Preparation
Below are some hints for your consideration when you prepare your poster for the symposium:
- The maximum poster size is 0.8 metre (wide) by 1.18 metre (high).
- The poster should include:
- Title
- Name(s) affiliation of Author(s)
- Objectives / Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Discussions
- Summary/Conclusions
- Acknowledgments
- The contents of the poster must be in good accordance with the materials cited in the abstract submitted.
- The title of your paper and your poster number shall be placed prominently on the top of the poster board to allow viewers to identify your paper